Frída Pállsdóttir and Lionheart at the Hurricane Festival 2013 (x)
posted: 1 DAY ago
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I'm the happiest when I'm in the studio making music. I find myself getting lost in my own little world, sometimes the guys have to drag me back into reality. If I could eat, breathe, and sleep music I would; unfortunately, that's not a proper way to live naturally."
posted: 2 days ago
with: 843 notes

Frída Pállsdóttir was spotted walking the streets of New York City in her original and unique style. She was caught mingling with a few fans that seemed to recognize her as she attempted to keep a low profile. She hasn't been spotted a lot lately due to Lionheart really pushing hard to work on their second album!
posted: 2 days ago
with: 619 notes
instagram pictures 2014

Frída on her style
"I have style? This is news to me! I just dress in what I feel most comfortable in. I think that comfort is the number one things because if you're dressing in something that isn't true to who you are as a person then you might as well be someone completely different. I don't have a stylist. I wear what I feel like wearing and some may think it's weird, quirky, or even adorable. I don't see it as any of the above. I wear what I feel most confident in and a majority of the time that consists of an over sized plaid button down shirt, a pair of ratty jeans, and a big floppy hat - I love it!"

posted: 4 days ago
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posted: 4 DAYS AGO
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