I got the pleasure of meeting Frída!
It was the strangest thing - I stumbled upon her. I had to do a double take because she was just acting like any other person in New York, not that I thought she would act much different out in the city. She was so humble and down to earth and I have got to say her accent is so adorable! I had a little trouble understanding what she was saying with it being so thick, but it didn't matter - I WAS COMPLETELY STARSTRUCK. I started this blog quite awhile ago and now I've finally got to meet the person behind the beautiful voice and wonderful music. I've seen them live a number of times, but I've never had the pleasure of being able to meet such a sweet person. She's really one of a kind!

posted: 1 DAY ago
with: 932 notes
Lionheart nominated for Icelandic Music Awards 2013
I'm pleased to present the news that the Icelandic Music Awards nominations have been released to the public and that Lionheart is in fact nominated for "Best Live Performance" with a special mention of their homecoming concert that took place months ago at the end of their eighteen month tour. However, the nominations for best music video and the "People's Choice" awards have not been released as of yet, but fingers crossed that Lionheart will be in at least one of those categories!
posted: 2 days ago
with: 378 notes
YOU ALWAYS SEEM SO CALM IN INTERVIEWS, IS THAT ALWAYS THE CASE OR DO YOU STILL FIND YOURSELF GETTING NERVOUS IN FRONT OF CAMERAS? "I seem calm? Wow! No. Never. I'm always a wreck before an interview. Sometimes I imagine saying something that will humiliate me and that causes the wave of butterflies to basically eat my insides. I also get nervous whenever I have to perform in front of large crowds. Strange, right? You'd think by now after being on the festival circuit I'd be used to it!"

DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING SPECIAL YOU DO IN ORDER TO CALM THOSE NERVES? "That's a tough question! No, I don't think so. They usually subside once I hear the crowd cheering or chanting for us. It's the most amazing adrenaline rush that a musician can ask for. I adore our fans to pieces and I thank everyday for them loving and supporting us even from the beginning because with them we wouldn't have been able to get as far as we have, which is really amazing."

WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'D BE DOING IF LIONHEART DIDN'T EXIST? "I'm fairly certain that I would still be involved in music somehow and some way. If Lionheart didn't exist that would cause me to no longer want to pursue music, but it would still be involved in my life despite nobody knowing my name."

posted: 4 days ago
with: 831 notes

"Fleur de Lis"
Photos by Kolbrún Inga Gunnlaugsdóttir Soring

posted: 4 days ago
with: 758notes
It's pretty much hard to dislike anything that Lionheart puts out, I swear. Not to mention Catching Fire was an amazing movie, but every song on the sountrack has been on repeat at least once since I purchased it - especially this one! Love them!

posted: 5 days ago
with: 498 notes

Today is the day that our studio session exclusively sold on Itunes comes out! Please head on over to your Itunes store in order to purchase our seven song “Live From Vatnagarðar” album, which was recorded in Iceland!"

posted: 5 DAYS AGO
with: 327 NOTES
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